I am having tooth pain if I just brush my tooth after every meal every day will the pain go away?

or:I am having tooth pain if I just brush my tooth after every meal every day will the pain go away?or:you might try orajel it works pretty good brus

or:I am having tooth pain if I just brush my tooth after every meal every day will the pain go away?

or:you might try orajel it works pretty good brushing your teeth will help but you might want to have a dentist look at it could be a cavity

or:No. Too much brushing can also cause problems as it erodes the enamel and exposes the dentin tubules. You need to see a dentist. I had the same problem. More than likely a cavity. Don't ever get root canals either. Try to save your teeth by oil pulling. If your tooth is already too far decayed and too close to the nerve/roots to do a filling, I advise you get it extracted. Read about the dangers of root canals. Swish coconut oil in your mouth for 20 minutes each day. You will notice improvement, I just don't know if its too late or not only your dentist will be able to determine that.Good luck
