Hi I have put Advantage flea treatment on my cat but still she licks and bites her self as if she?

... still has fleas but I cant fine any signs of fleas on her is it normal and what should I do or:... still has fleas but I can't fine any signs of

... still has fleas but I can't fine any signs of fleas on her is it normal and what should I do

or:... still has fleas but I can't fine any signs of fleas on her is it normal and what should I do

or:best advise call your vet. Outside of that treat the outside of your house for fleas. look up herbal remedies for low cost ways to kill them while protecting your cat and any other animal that may enter your yard. Also use original blue dawn to wash your cat only need about one to two drops on a wash cloth being careful with eyes, nose, mouth and ears. Also when cleaning ears use a cotton swab dipped in vegetable oil and rub it around the outside of the ear to keep fleas and mitts from entering. When you talk with your vet ask about a dirt that kills fleas and is safe for you and your pet that you can use on the inside of your house.
