What is the importance of beauty peagents in todays world ?

or:What is the importance of beauty peagents in todays world ?or:My neice entered herself in a beauty pageant as part of an investigative project. S

or:What is the importance of beauty peagents in todays world ?

or:My neice entered herself in a beauty pageant as part of an investigative project. Since she was investigating she didn't really care if she won or not. She shared a few things with me, one of which was that the competitiveness was borderline psychotic if not full-blown mental disorder type. So, regarding its importance, there really didn't seem to be any...it was just a very twisted pursuit to win, pageants are more akin to 'carnival' acts, where the oddly weird, unbelievable and distorted idealisms are exploited perpetuating unrealistic expectations of 'beauty'. So the answer then is there is none it's only value is entertainment, or popcorn for the brain. By the way, my neice ended up winning Ms. Congeniality!!!
