Google - About to go through hydrocodone 50mg a day withdrawal. I have one 8mg subutex pill ive?

... never tried..will it help with withdrawal symtoms or only makee it worse. What else can help ease the pain and stress. Ive been using for almost

... never tried..will it help with withdrawal symtoms or only makee it worse. What else can help ease the pain and stress. Ive been using for almost a year. Please give advice!

or:... never tried..will it help with withdrawal symtoms or only makee it worse. What else can help ease the pain and stress. Ive been using for almost a year. Please give advice!

or:it might make it worse but its very little help it might help a little but it only prolongs what your going through how come you were taken off of them?you can ask your dr if theres something else you can take to help with your pain they might have to send you to pain management
