If Jesus is God, then why did he pray to God?

Did he pray to himself? or:Did he pray to himself?or:In modern religion, Jesus is the son of God.or:Jesus, The Father, and The Holy Ghost are one God.

Did he pray to himself?

or:Did he pray to himself?

or:In modern religion, Jesus is the son of God.

or:Jesus, The Father, and The Holy Ghost are one God. But they are three different things. It's strange to think about this. But technically, Jesus, when He was on the cross, was praying to the second of the three, above, The Father.

or:try reading john10vs22-30 and john14vs6 for better understanding,then you can answer your question

or:We as Christian believe that Jesus is the son of God has 2natures:1-Jesus theology 2-Jesus humanity and so those two complete each others Others and so when he prayed to God used Jesus humanity as also we know Jesus lived normal life just as us cried eat and shared normal life of human being except Sin

or:Well Jesus never claimed to be a higher source than God. At John 14:28 it says \"You heard that I said to you, I am going away and I am coming back to you. If you loved me, you would rejoice that I am going to the Father, for the Father is greater than i am. He knew that there was a Higher God than him in heaven and that is why he said that in the scripture. He never said that he was God and it would make him unstable for him to pray to himself. At Luke 6:12,13 it says that Jesus spent a full day in prayer for his disciples. Do you believe a perfect man like Jesus talked to himself to find answers and help? All this leads to is knowing that there is a higher God than Jesus that being Jehovah God

or:Jesus is not God but on fact the son of God (1 John 4:9). Knowing that, when Jesus prayed, he prayed to his father Jehovah.
