What type of MacBook would be the best for graphic design!?

I need to get one and need to know what would be the best version... Specs, dimensions, ram.. Etc.Thanks or:I need to get one and need to know what wo

I need to get one and need to know what would be the best version... Specs, dimensions, ram.. Etc.

or:I need to get one and need to know what would be the best version... Specs, dimensions, ram.. Etc.Thanks

or:Laptops have very small screens and graphic designers need to be able to see their work as clearly as possible. Laptops generally don't run as fast as desk top computers and software like Photoshop and Illustrator run very large files. As a graphic designer for the last 20 years I do not recommend laptops. It is also easy to put huge amounts of work on a hard drive making the data on the computer worth far more than the computer itself. Laptops get left behind, stolen, and damaged far more often than desk top units. I know people think laptops are cool and they have their place but if a graphic designer has one computer, I suggest a desktop unit.
