Rash on arm?

I have rash on arm 4 days its a little bumpy in shape of bite mark. Any ideas of what it is?its only itchy once in a while. or:I have rash on arm 4 da

I have rash on arm 4 days its a little bumpy in shape of bite mark. Any ideas of what it is?its only itchy once in a while.

or:I have rash on arm 4 days its a little bumpy in shape of bite mark. Any ideas of what it is?its only itchy once in a while.

or:Bite mark shape? It might be an allergic reaction. Did you come across poison ivy by any chance? Were you recently hiking? I get allergic to my pet Guinea pig and its called hives, where there's multiple bumps and its really itchy so that might not be your case. If you were around anything new like a pet then it could be that. Maybe contact your doctor about it if it doesn't go away in a couple days or it starts to bother you more because it could always be something serious that needs treating to. Hope that helps!
