Are there any kinds of door locks that cannot be unlocked by a locksmith?

I need to find a lock that cant be unlocked by a locksmith. Im 19 and I live with my grandmother but she wont let me get a pet cat just because she do

I need to find a lock that cant be unlocked by a locksmith. I'm 19 and I live with my grandmother but she wont let me get a pet cat just because she doesnt like them, but I'm more than likely going to get one anyways and just keep it in my bedroom 24/7, but she will go as far as hiring a locksmith to unlock my door to get the cat out.

or:I need to find a lock that cant be unlocked by a locksmith. I'm 19 and I live with my grandmother but she wont let me get a pet cat just because she doesnt like them, but I'm more than likely going to get one anyways and just keep it in my bedroom 24/7, but she will go as far as hiring a locksmith to unlock my door to get the cat out.

or:It is very unwise to pick a fight with someone you have to live with. If you are that hateful, you need to get a place of your own.Yes, there are locks that a locksmith can't open. But anybody with a table knife can pry the door open without picking the lock, and any locksmith knows how to do that without even damaging anything.
