How do I stop blaming myself for past sexual abuse?

I was sexual abused about 30 years ago when I was around 8 years old by two older cousins. I constantly blame myself for it happening, not telling, an

I was sexual abused about 30 years ago when I was around 8 years old by two older cousins. I constantly blame myself for it happening, not telling, and not stopping it from happening (it happened more than once). How do I stop blaming myself?

or:I was sexual abused about 30 years ago when I was around 8 years old by two older cousins. I constantly blame myself for it happening, not telling, and not stopping it from happening (it happened more than once). How do I stop blaming myself?

or:The feeling of being harassed by someone is frightening. I was also sexually abused when I was 5-10 years old by my step father, until he died. Although I cannot completely forget the pain of not being able to stop this my self, I have come to realize that the past cannot be changed. Blaming myself means blaming my future, thus perhaps creating a hole in myself. Believe in yourself. Blaming will eventually turn into more blaming until there's no one else to blame it on. I do tend to still think about what if I did tell someone about the situation. But I 'm very much confident that perhaps I would have regretted my actions in the near future. So just believe that if there's such a thing as blaming oneself for our cannots and could nots, then we're just going back in history and repeating our pains all over again. Best to leave the blaming for the past, is it not?Keep on smiling!

or:It takes the help of God. Realize you are not guilty. I suggest counseling from a good Baptist pastor who is trained in counseling.You were too young to make those decisions properly and quit blaming yourself. Take it to the Lord for His help.
