How do I keep an image in microsoft word from moving too much? (read description)?

I dont really know how to ask this exact question clearly but I will try. When I use microsoft word on an HP desktop, I am able to place a picture whe

I don't really know how to ask this exact question clearly but I will try. When I use microsoft word on an HP desktop, I am able to place a picture wherever I want, which makes it easy for printing labels from a template page I have. I can zoom in to move the image just a few pixels in any direction so that it completely fills up the cell I'm using in my template. But, when I use the same exact program and template on my MacBook air I can only adjust the image placement so much - it always assumes a location somewhat close by to where I let go of the mouse pad, but it's usually too far away. Visually, it says I can only move the image every "0.13" inches on the page. I would like to be able to move it every 0.1" because I need exact placement and I'm not always able to access the HP desktop. Is there a setting I can change or adjust to fix this? Or is this just because I'm using microsoft on a mac so it doesn't function as smooth?

or:I don't really know how to ask this exact question clearly but I will try. When I use microsoft word on an HP desktop, I am able to place a picture wherever I want, which makes it easy for printing labels from a template page I have. I can zoom in to move the image just a few pixels in any direction so that it completely fills up the cell I'm using in my template. But, when I use the same exact program and template on my MacBook air I can only adjust the image placement so much - it always assumes a location somewhat close by to where I let go of the mouse pad, but it's usually too far away. Visually, it says I can only move the image every \"0.13\" inches on the page. I would like to be able to move it every 0.1\" because I need exact placement and I'm not always able to access the HP desktop. Is there a setting I can change or adjust to fix this? Or is this just because I'm using microsoft on a mac so it doesn't function as smooth?
