I need help with TI-83 plus (Texas Instruments) calculator?

I have TI-83 plus calculator and I need to download app for summation of sequence. I know that TI-84 this app and I am wondering if I can download tha

I have TI-83 plus calculator and I need to download app for summation of sequence. I know that TI-84 this app and I am wondering if I can download that too. If anyone knows how to do it and on what website, please let me know. It would also be helpful if you could guide me through the steps to download it!!

or:I have TI-83 plus calculator and I need to download app for summation of sequence. I know that TI-84 this app and I am wondering if I can download that too. If anyone knows how to do it and on what website, please let me know. It would also be helpful if you could guide me through the steps to download it!!

or:I used to have a TI-83 and I seem to remember this stuff was a function from the maths button, rather than an app you needed to download. It was something like sum(seq(x/2,x,1,10,1))That'll sum the sequence of x/2 for x=1 to x=10 in steps of 1, i.e. (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)
