How can I begin to forgive my husband?

My husbands drinking has taken our family down a path of destruction. He lost a high paying job due to drinking at work. He was hired some where else

My husbands drinking has taken our family down a path of destruction. He lost a high paying job due to drinking at work. He was hired some where else but lost that one due to the same thing. He has been arrested twice for being drunk in public. He drinks a lot less now but the damage has already been done. We are being evicted, our car is going to be repossessed. Our five children and myself are seriously suffering in the wreckage of his alcoholism. I've tried very hard to forgive him but every time I look at him I'm reminded of how I'm going to have to explain to my kids why we have to move out. I feel crushed, ashamed and embarrassed and alone. Our children don't deserve this, I want better for them and for our family. We are so broke that we don't even have toilet paper right now I have to take napkins from fast food restaurants. With having nowhere to go and no family to lean on how can I ever forgive him for this.

or:My husbands drinking has taken our family down a path of destruction. He lost a high paying job due to drinking at work. He was hired some where else but lost that one due to the same thing. He has been arrested twice for being drunk in public. He drinks a lot less now but the damage has already been done. We are being evicted, our car is going to be repossessed. Our five children and myself are seriously suffering in the wreckage of his alcoholism. I've tried very hard to forgive him but every time I look at him I'm reminded of how I'm going to have to explain to my kids why we have to move out. I feel crushed, ashamed and embarrassed and alone. Our children don't deserve this, I want better for them and for our family. We are so broke that we don't even have toilet paper right now I have to take napkins from fast food restaurants. With having nowhere to go and no family to lean on how can I ever forgive him for this.

or:growing up with a father that had the same problem, I wish my mom left him as as soon as she saw the signs you are seeing right now. she stuck it through, forgiving him because she wanted her kids to grow up with a father, but in the long run all that did was traumatize us more and make us feel like we always had to pick up the pieces of our father. you can help him get better through social programs or perhaps rehab, but it is honestly bettter for your childrens mental well being to grow up without a father then to have a father who suffers from alchoal abuse because that will really effect them mentally- with their relationships with people and in their love life. as for forgiveness, you can forgive him for yourself but by offering him forgiveness everytime he screws up youre only telling him that how hes acting is acceptable. maybe in the beggning he desereved forgiveness, but right now you need to do what is best for the mental well being of you and your children, and thats to stay away from him. when your life is more stable you can forgive him, but for now he doesnt deserve that.
