What would cause me to feel very nauseous every night when I lay down? Not pregnant. NEED HELP:(?

Well, for a couple months now at night time when I would be all ready for bed I will lay down and feel VERY nauseous. Sometimes not so bad than other

Well, for a couple months now at night time when I would be all ready for bed I will lay down and feel VERY nauseous. Sometimes not so bad than other but some nights I feel like I'm going to throw up. (Never have yet). It's worse when I lay on either of my sides so I've usually been laying on my back but it's gotten to the point where not even that helps. Sitting up or walking around will make it go away; but only until I lay back down again. It's very frustrating for not only me but my BF is getting upset because i can't even cuddle with him it upsets me too. And plus, I AM TERRIFIED of puking so when I get this sick spells my anxiety will go through the roof and make it worse because my body shakes. I just need help :(...

Sometimes too about a year ago this started, I would lay down and when I shut my eyes my head would feel like really dizzy and it's weird but feel like my eyeballs ore almost shaking? It wasn't too bad at first I would just open my eyes and it would go away but then shortly after it wouldn't go away if I opened my eyes. I would just move my head slightly and it would go away. Now most recently it's to the point where it had happened in the middle of the day. I would move and try to get it to go away but it didn't for a good 10 minutes. It's very worrying to me. It hasn't happened in probably a month. But it would come and go so I expect it'll happen again shortly. This all is very annoying, frustrating, upsetting and uncomfortable. Now about me, I'm a 17 year old female, I'm on depoprovera (have been for 3-4 years now) and I've beer had any problems like this. If somebody can help me out of really appreciate it :( thanks I AM ALSO NOT PREGNANT.

or:Well, for a couple months now at night time when I would be all ready for bed I will lay down and feel VERY nauseous. Sometimes not so bad than other but some nights I feel like I'm going to throw up. (Never have yet). It's worse when I lay on either of my sides so I've usually been laying on my back but it's gotten to the point where not even that helps. Sitting up or walking around will make it go away; but only until I lay back down again. It's very frustrating for not only me but my BF is getting upset because i can't even cuddle with him it upsets me too. And plus, I AM TERRIFIED of puking so when I get this sick spells my anxiety will go through the roof and make it worse because my body shakes. I just need help :(... Sometimes too about a year ago this started, I would lay down and when I shut my eyes my head would feel like really dizzy and it's weird but feel like my eyeballs ore almost shaking? It wasn't too bad at first I would just open my eyes and it would go away but then shortly after it wouldn't go away if I opened my eyes. I would just move my head slightly and it would go away. Now most recently it's to the point where it had happened in the middle of the day. I would move and try to get it to go away but it didn't for a good 10 minutes. It's very worrying to me. It hasn't happened in probably a month. But it would come and go so I expect it'll happen again shortly. This all is very annoying, frustrating, upsetting and uncomfortable. Now about me, I'm a 17 year old female, I'm on depoprovera (have been for 3-4 years now) and I've beer had any problems like this. If somebody can help me out of really appreciate it :( thanks I AM ALSO NOT PREGNANT.

or:When an organ leaves its natural position, that is called a hernia. The stomach sometimes moves through the hiatus membrane, and then breathing forces stomach juices into the esophagus. That might cause burned tissues, a vague pain known as heartburn, feelings of nausea, or shortness of breath. Any time you take any prescription medication, you should research the side effects. Most of the side effects of depo provera are associated with B vitamin deficiencies. (Bruising indicates a deficiency of vitamin C.) It is cheap and easy to check that. Get nutritional yeast powder and/or B-100 pills. Vitamin B2 is a water soluble dye that turns urine bright yellow. When the color fades, it's time for another dose. Read some books about nutrition so you know how to eat right. Your doctor will not mention any such thing because he has no training in nutrition.
