Is there any way of knowing if having a multiple pregnancy before having the first scan ? Please?

Hi me and my partner are expecting our second child,we conceived quite quickly with both pregnancies but this time around she is more tired then first

Hi me and my partner are expecting our second child,we conceived quite quickly with both pregnancies but this time around she is more tired then first time around the the point having a conversation in bed and I'm half way through a sentence and she is snoring her head off, she has had morning sickness this time around 7 weeks non stop every single day always once but sometimes up to 5 times a day she can not keep anything that has cheese down or smells like cheese whereas first pregnancy she had no morning sickness or anything she could not keep down, also this time she has lost just over 5lb in first trimester, getting a rounder belly even though she is not skinny can see a huge difference and she is 11 weeks 2 days today have first scan next week Sunday. We both have twins in ur families and this time the test come up positive very fast and a lot darker then the first pregnancy at 5 weeks. Please help is it possible

or:Hi me and my partner are expecting our second child,we conceived quite quickly with both pregnancies but this time around she is more tired then first time around the the point having a conversation in bed and I'm half way through a sentence and she is snoring her head off, she has had morning sickness this time around 7 weeks non stop every single day always once but sometimes up to 5 times a day she can not keep anything that has cheese down or smells like cheese whereas first pregnancy she had no morning sickness or anything she could not keep down, also this time she has lost just over 5lb in first trimester, getting a rounder belly even though she is not skinny can see a huge difference and she is 11 weeks 2 days today have first scan next week Sunday. We both have twins in ur families and this time the test come up positive very fast and a lot darker then the first pregnancy at 5 weeks. Please help is it possible
