Need Help finding a song?

I heard a song about a year ago, and liked it, but now I cant seem to remember what it was. I remember the singers of the song were a duo, a male and

I heard a song about a year ago, and liked it, but now I can't seem to remember what it was. I remember the singers of the song were a duo, a male and a female. The song is a pop song. (Most are) I think it was on the Billboard charts, and it didn't stay long before dropping out. That's probably not enough to find it...

or:I heard a song about a year ago, and liked it, but now I can't seem to remember what it was. I remember the singers of the song were a duo, a male and a female. The song is a pop song. (Most are) I think it was on the Billboard charts, and it didn't stay long before dropping out. That's probably not enough to find it...

or:Yeah! That used to be one of my favorite drinking songs. I never knew the words or the music because, you know, I was always drunk when they played it. Boy, you just can't beat those old drinking songs!
