What do you feed people from all around the world without offending anyone?

your organization is having a large party for its worldwide distributors in the U.S. Because there will be people from all over the world, what would

your organization is having a large party for its worldwide distributors in the U.S. Because there will be people from all over the world, what would you serve for meals to avoid offending anyone?

or:your organization is having a large party for its worldwide distributors in the U.S. Because there will be people from all over the world, what would you serve for meals to avoid offending anyone?

or:If you find someone on the streets before you're going to the store, you could tell them that you're going to get something healthy for them. Then go to the store and get some grapes, apples, bananas etc. so they can be healthy. Make sure to buy them some water too. You can give them some salads, because I just realized what you meant by reading the rest of the question.
