How do I talk to my mom if she doesn’t understand how I feel when I feel self conscious?

I feel like my mother just defects everything I saw when I get upset. I feel self conscious and I do suffer from depression but I feel like she doesn&

I feel like my mother just defects everything I saw when I get upset. I feel self conscious and I do suffer from depression but I feel like she doesn’t care.

or:I feel like my mother just defects everything I saw when I get upset. I feel self conscious and I do suffer from depression but I feel like she doesn\u2019t care.

or:Our mothers, work very hard at least most do. Maybe you and your mother need to try to have a open-minded talk about whatever is troubling you. Then maybe you should ask a doctor for medical help if anything.

or:IS THERE ANYONE you know of who can talk to your Mom? So you have had therapy in the past? Call them, tell them you feel ignored. Write your Mom a letter and ask her why she refuses to listen. Talk to your school counselor, talk to a friends parents, and where is your Dad?
