I have fillings and one of them hurts but only when I put any amount of pressure on that 1 toother?

5th tooth from front.Broken tooth.10 others. or:5th tooth from front.Broken tooth.10 others.or:you should probably see a Dentist.or:Usually, the proce

5th tooth from front.
Broken tooth.
10 others.

or:5th tooth from front.Broken tooth.10 others.

or:you should probably see a Dentist.

or:Usually, the process of tooth decay is restored with the help of dental fillings. A dental filling is a very sensitive dental treatment and requires proper treatment processes. These days, there have emerged several noteworthy dental clinics, which provide very effective assistance to the people, with regard to all kinds of dental issues. If you are facing any kind of the pain in your teeth after the process of dental fillings, then you should consider the assistance of the reputed dental clinics. For more details on your query, get access to the online sources of information.
