Is MS OneDrive right choice for long term private data storage?

Is OneDrive right choice for long term private data storage? Im willing to subscribe MS Office 365 and it comes with OneDrive 1tb cloud storage. Is th

Is OneDrive right choice for long term private data storage? I'm willing to subscribe MS Office 365 and it comes with OneDrive 1tb cloud storage. Is that ok for long term private data and photo storage?
I'm afraid of dead hdd, that's why i'm looking where I can keep my 600gb private photos safe.
If you think that OneDrive isn't right choice then please give me advice.

or:Is OneDrive right choice for long term private data storage? I'm willing to subscribe MS Office 365 and it comes with OneDrive 1tb cloud storage. Is that ok for long term private data and photo storage? I'm afraid of dead hdd, that's why i'm looking where I can keep my 600gb private photos safe. If you think that OneDrive isn't right choice then please give me advice.Thanks!

or:No. OneDrive is not a very good choice to store something for a long term. Use DropBox.

or:One TB is not all that much these days. I use almost that much for movies and lolcats. The disadvantage of storing stuff on somebody else's equipment is that they own it, not you. You can only get it with their permission, but the government can just walk in and demand it free for nothing. They don't even bother to show a warrant. And you have to pay and pay. There is no absolutely reliable storage medium. Do your homework and place your bet. That's all you can do.
