Can you use Nicorette Gum ten years after expiration?

My mother in law gave me Nicorette Gum she found to help me quit but the expiration is 2005. Do I use it or would it not me safe? or:My mother in law

My mother in law gave me Nicorette Gum she found to help me quit but the expiration is 2005. Do I use it or would it not me safe?

or:My mother in law gave me Nicorette Gum she found to help me quit but the expiration is 2005. Do I use it or would it not me safe?

or:Products are required by law to have an expiration date but it does not have to mean anything. Stuff stays good until it turns gray and fuzzy. I tried Nicorette once and it did me no good at all. The only way to quit is just quit. Don't think about it, don't look for substitutes, just decide you don't smoke any more.When you sit, roll your hips forward. That straightens your spine, and you will notice an immediate improvement in breathing and alertness. You can stay awake all day, even through boring classes, as long as you don't slip back into a slouch. And you will not feel like you need a smoke.

or:Well the thing i find out about Nicorette Gum is that at first its sweet but taste bad towards the end if it expired in 2005 it won't be as potent and probably won't do its job you could try it but it might not work i would get a new box and then try it see how it works you might beable to get a fresh supply through the tabacco quit line for your state.
