I have feelings for a 29 yo coworker. I am 48 and separated from my husband. How do I let him know?

This 29 yo has.been coming on to me for months. We hooked up once after work. I felt really guilty after and said some things to him because the next

This 29 yo has.been coming on to me for months. We hooked up once after work. I felt really guilty after and said some things to him because the next day he was acting different. We made up and things are back to normal but I am not sure if I blew it. What can I say or do to let him know I want to see him again. I was married for 23 years so this is all new for me.

or:This 29 yo has.been coming on to me for months. We hooked up once after work. I felt really guilty after and said some things to him because the next day he was acting different. We made up and things are back to normal but I am not sure if I blew it. What can I say or do to let him know I want to see him again. I was married for 23 years so this is all new for me.

or:okay start by flirting and see if he be flirting back then he probably like you so you should just subtley drop hints and if he starts picks up on these then he'll either return feelings or if not that is too bad cause you sound lovely. And just to let you know you could always be a cesbian, leave your options open. Goodluck ;)

or:I suggest dating someone else first since you been with somebody for so long. I say this because if things do happen more with you and your co worker and go sour, how would you be able to work together. Maybe it's not him you're really into, but just dating in general...
