How does Borderline Personality Disorder cause problems?

or:How does Borderline Personality Disorder cause problems?or:BPD can cause problems in everyday life with relationships, work, school, self image an

or:How does Borderline Personality Disorder cause problems?

or:BPD can cause problems in everyday life with relationships, work, school, self image and much more. People with BPD are often overly emotional one minute and then cold and closed off the next. Its not uncommon to have feelings of inadequacy, hopelessness, disassociation from self or others and fear of being abandoned. To ease these fears people with BPD may act out, attempt to get attention in drastic ways, become severely angry or severely depressed. Due to fear of losing a romantic partner people with BPD are prone to promiscuity and are also high risk for drug and alcohol abuse and suicide. Some people with BPD can be dishonest, distrustful, untrusting of others and manipulative. In most cases their emotional stability can go from one extreme to the other and in some rare cases (more in males than females) they can become combative and or violent.
