Whats the difference between in game stats and base stats in Pokemon?

I really wanna get into ev training and unlock the full potential of a Pokémon game, that said I just downloaded heartgold for ds on my phone a

I really wanna get into ev training and unlock the full potential of a Pokémon game, that said I just downloaded heartgold for ds on my phone and I have cyndaquill as a starter. lvl 5 hp 19/19 attack 12, defense 9, sp. atk 10, sp. def 11, speed 11, Adamant nature (often lost in thought lol) my question is what's the difference between these stats that you check in game and the base stats that are different on serebii for cyndaquill? i.e. hp 39, attack 52. Also, should I start adding every 4 ev points (+1 Stat point) as soon as I begin battling pokemon?

or:I really wanna get into ev training and unlock the full potential of a Pok\u00e9mon game, that said I just downloaded heartgold for ds on my phone and I have cyndaquill as a starter. lvl 5 hp 19/19 attack 12, defense 9, sp. atk 10, sp. def 11, speed 11, Adamant nature (often lost in thought lol) my question is what's the difference between these stats that you check in game and the base stats that are different on serebii for cyndaquill? i.e. hp 39, attack 52. Also, should I start adding every 4 ev points (+1 Stat point) as soon as I begin battling pokemon?\ufeff
