How can we initiate change about how we understand life resources&energy efficiency on planet earth?

or:How can we initiate change about how we understand life resources&energy efficiency on planet earth?or:We do little things to make changes in our

or:How can we initiate change about how we understand life resources&energy efficiency on planet earth?

or:We do little things to make changes in our life. Others see our results and follow suit. Then the 2000 pound car weighs in a 1100. This is your body also. Double your weight and then you will lots of energy to move you from poi8nt A to point B. We are all each alone. Yet we learn from each other. A car becomes a moped then becomes a bicycle. Health streams from you as the gasoline has stopped being a determining factor of your life. Your bank account gets healthy. Insurance and car payments as a thing of the past. You have a room unused. Turn that into areoponics or hydroponics. A room of tomatoes and pepper plants, all at once pay the rent. This is a nothing concept. Most do as they do because of the ease of simply repeating what they learned in their past. Look forward in your own mind and consider the world you wish and desire to fashion for your own self.enjoy
