Why do cellphones and texting while driving concern you ? Use in your own words?

or:Why do cellphones and texting while driving concern you ? Use in your own words?or:Commuters who drive the same route each day often do so without

or:Why do cellphones and texting while driving concern you ? Use in your own words?

or:Commuters who drive the same route each day often do so without using the part of their brain where conscious thinking takes place, says traffic scientist Michael Schreckenberg of the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany. On familiar routes, instead of concentrating on traffic, drivers become occupied with other things. As a result, it takes longer to recognize dangers. Schreckenberg encourages commuter drivers to keep reminding themselves to stay alert and not let themselves be distracted from the road.For more information on this subject and others, please go to jw.org for free downloads publications or read online.
