Tooth abscess/cheek is swollen?

Clindamycin for about 3 days now. The pain has subsided/pus draining(slowly). Will it drain completely? I know I need to get the tooth pulled, it is a

Clindamycin for about 3 days now. The pain has subsided/pus draining(slowly). Will it drain completely? I know I need to get the tooth pulled, it is an impacted wisdom tooth.

or:Clindamycin for about 3 days now. The pain has subsided/pus draining(slowly). Will it drain completely? I know I need to get the tooth pulled, it is an impacted wisdom tooth.

or:You should consult with a dentist immediately, there are some very serious consequences of not receiving prompt treatment for something like this.Aside from the discomfort, pain and inconvenience a possible outcome is that an infection spreads and causes the removal of more teeth, removal of some or all of the mandible (if it is the bottom teeth)and the worst case scenario is that infected material travels through your blood stream to your heart. This is thought to be responsible for between 40 - 50% of cases of heart disease (ask your dentist!).
