Book writing? 3 questions Read description?

I have been really wanting to write my first book but since Im only a beginner, there are some things I want to know. Here are my questions: 1st quest

I have been really wanting to write my first book but since I'm only a beginner, there are some things I want to know. Here are my questions: 1st question How do I get a cover for my book if the publisher excepts it? 2nd question Do they want you or an illustrator to draw the cover and they publish the drawing with the book as the cover? 3rd question: How do I get my book published?

or:I have been really wanting to write my first book but since I'm only a beginner, there are some things I want to know. Here are my questions: 1st question How do I get a cover for my book if the publisher excepts it? 2nd question Do they want you or an illustrator to draw the cover and they publish the drawing with the book as the cover? 3rd question: How do I get my book published?

or:Normally a publisher will be involved in picking a cover for the book, they usually hire an illustrator they think fits the book's style and will draw in the eye of the public. I wouldn't spend too much time worrying about a cover instead put all your effort into trying to get your book into the publishing world. This means mailing or emailing it many different publishers, it's a long road of rejection but hopefully someone will take an interest in what your written. Ask around maybe one of your friends or family has a connection to someone in the publishing world.

or:Some like you to help design. I personally think it is a good idea to have some concept of what you want the cover to look like. For my manuscript I added a drawing of my \"cover concept\" to give them an idea of what I was going for. Placed it at the end of the manuscript to keep to guidelines. It was also a good idea in for my work because I created a separate species for my main character, so it gave a clear image of what he and his people look like in my mind. Tough my story does that itself, if my character is on the cover page I don't want the illustrator taking to much freedom in designing his appearance.
