I cry every night, pretending to be someone else with a problem I don't have. How can I stop?

When I go to bed, I put myself in someone elses or my own shoes, and imagine that something awful had happened (my twin dying, becoming crippled). The

When I go to bed, I put myself in someone else's or my own shoes, and imagine that something awful had happened (my twin dying, becoming crippled). Then I sob my heart out until I fall to sleep. Every day I look at myself and think 'look at me. I have dark circles under my eyes, I don't sleep at night.... What must people think of me?' I need to help myself. How can I do this? I'm way too shy to talk to a doctor until I know if this is serious or not.

or:When I go to bed, I put myself in someone else's or my own shoes, and imagine that something awful had happened (my twin dying, becoming crippled). Then I sob my heart out until I fall to sleep. Every day I look at myself and think 'look at me. I have dark circles under my eyes, I don't sleep at night.... What must people think of me?' I need to help myself. How can I do this? I'm way too shy to talk to a doctor until I know if this is serious or not.

or:I think that you should tell someone about this because it is not normal to behave like this every night.

or:I think you should speak it out and tell somebody you really really trust, i'm sure you will feel better.
