Is there any core principle that you should believe in?

I am always searching around on the web for various information and trying to find various activites and information to strongly believe in to make th

I am always searching around on the web for various information and trying to find various activites and information to strongly believe in to make the most of life, but it seems that I usually end up just searching and searching rather than applying certain principles. Is there any one principle that you feel should be believed in and really applied to make a good life for yourself?

or:I am always searching around on the web for various information and trying to find various activites and information to strongly believe in to make the most of life, but it seems that I usually end up just searching and searching rather than applying certain principles. Is there any one principle that you feel should be believed in and really applied to make a good life for yourself?

or:Forward motion is life. The second your primary goal becomes maintaining your own personal status quo, you begin to rot inside.As far as specific, personal philosophies, I really wouldn't leave the determination thereof to the internet. The problem with that kind of freedom of speech is that everybody's talking at once, so nothing gets said. Go outside, meet people, keep moving forward, and remember that the only true wisdom lies in knowing the limits of human understanding.
