Is it still plagiarism if I reword my friends whole essay?

I got my friends essay and I reworded the whole essay and it still has the same topics and thesis but all the words have been changed. Is this still p

I got my friends essay and I reworded the whole essay and it still has the same topics and thesis but all the words have been changed. Is this still plagiarism

or:I got my friends essay and I reworded the whole essay and it still has the same topics and thesis but all the words have been changed. Is this still plagiarism

or:Yes, Plagiarism is the act of copying another's idea(s), so it would be because it is not your work.

or:I think it will be plagiarism! The better way to write your essay from scratch, but it's not easy. Another way is to order essay from reliable custom writing service as or download prewritten essay (

or:Well, you need to more really careful in doing this. And I need to tell you that rewriting/ rewording is not an easy task as it seems. So, you may try to take the main idea of it, the concept and write what you think in your own words.

or:You have to be really careful with the plagiarism. It is the very first thing teachers notice about your paper. I want you also yo know that sometimes it is better to go to the service like Prime Writing and get that done by them

or:Yes, because you use his/her ideas. The best way out I would suggest for you is to contact Supreme essay service. Those guys usually both proofread and edit my papers. But I'm pretty sure they'll be able to help you with writing, as well. They are real professionals in what they do. So if you want you can definitely give them a try. Good luck!
