What is the difference between Biomedical and pharmaceutical?

or:What is the difference between Biomedical and pharmaceutical?or:Biomedical literally means \"relating to both biology and medicine\or:Greek pharma

or:What is the difference between Biomedical and pharmaceutical?

or:Biomedical literally means \"relating to both biology and medicine\

or:Greek pharmakopoiia, English pharmaceutical, refers to making drugs. The Greek word appears in the bible where it is translated 'witchcraft'. Biomedical is a compound word meaning \"life-medicine\".biomedicine bi\u00b7o\u00b7med\u00b7i\u00b7cine (b\u012b'\u014d-m\u011bd'\u012d-s\u012dn) n. The branch of medical science that deals with the ability of humans to tolerate environmental stresses and variations, as in space travel. The application of the principles of the natural sciences, especially biology and physiology, to clinical medicine.google.com
