I love my Bf but hate his family. We are talking about getting engaged and I am freaking out!?

... its becoming a problem for me to stay quiet. The have been disrepectful towards me, but with him its worsr and still going, they use him alot for

... its becoming a problem for me to stay quiet. The have been disrepectful towards me, but with him its worsr and still going, they use him alot for money and 'help' . Yet they also influence those around them to the point he has recieved phone calls from his friends telling him something that they heard, and even lost friends over it. We've been together almost 2 years, and though they dont personally attack me, its not right and i hate it! My bf did alot of crap growing up but he is a changed man and for the better in the last few years we've been together, i feel like they resent that and how much he has clung onto me... His mum is very possessive and his twin. i dont want to upset my bf and idk what to do! help!?

or:... its becoming a problem for me to stay quiet. The have been disrepectful towards me, but with him its worsr and still going, they use him alot for money and 'help' . Yet they also influence those around them to the point he has recieved phone calls from his friends telling him something that they heard, and even lost friends over it. We've been together almost 2 years, and though they dont personally attack me, its not right and i hate it! My bf did alot of crap growing up but he is a changed man and for the better in the last few years we've been together, i feel like they resent that and how much he has clung onto me... His mum is very possessive and his twin. i dont want to upset my bf and idk what to do! help!?
