Does he like me or not? I am confused?

I am so confused. Does he like me or not?In class, I stare at him and he stares back. We stare at each while the teacher is talking.Also, I think he i

I am so confused. Does he like me or not?

In class, I stare at him and he stares back. We stare at each while the teacher is talking.Also, I think he is trying to make me jealous because everytime he is around a girl, he stares at me to see if I can see him talking to another girl. ( not sure if you get what i mean )
But, I feel like he has no interest in me. He doesn't call me, text me, talk to me on facebook, we hardly talk at school. I'm not shy to talk to him and I have talked to him a few times before but I'm usually the one who starts the conversation.
he is not shy. he is actually very popular and 5 other girls like him too.
do u think maybe he is shy around me? He is so confusingg...

or:I am so confused. Does he like me or not?In class, I stare at him and he stares back. We stare at each while the teacher is talking.Also, I think he is trying to make me jealous because everytime he is around a girl, he stares at me to see if I can see him talking to another girl. ( not sure if you get what i mean ) But, I feel like he has no interest in me. He doesn't call me, text me, talk to me on facebook, we hardly talk at school. I'm not shy to talk to him and I have talked to him a few times before but I'm usually the one who starts the conversation.he is not shy. he is actually very popular and 5 other girls like him u think maybe he is shy around me? He is so confusingg...
