Chances of supervised visitation?

Unfortunately my son is only 45 days old and the father has only seen the child 2 times since he was 10 days old. The baby was in the NICU for the fi

Unfortunately my son is only 45 days old and the father has only seen the child 2 times since he was 10 days old. The baby was in the NICU for the first 10 days and the father only saw him a total of maybe 2 hours at different times and was not present during birth. He has a criminal history of assault, harassment and felony domestic violence with a woman he currently lives with. (the woman has also make threats to fight me while pregnant and has said to multiple people she would kill myself and my child) I have offered almost every day to meet him in public or at his mother's house to visit with the child I even offered him to come see him at my home or my familys home and he has refused.
What are my chances of starting him with supervised visits so he can form a bond with him and making sure my son is not around the violent and toxic situation he is in

or:Unfortunately my son is only 45 days old and the father has only seen the child 2 times since he was 10 days old. The baby was in the NICU for the first 10 days and the father only saw him a total of maybe 2 hours at different times and was not present during birth. He has a criminal history of assault, harassment and felony domestic violence with a woman he currently lives with. (the woman has also make threats to fight me while pregnant and has said to multiple people she would kill myself and my child) I have offered almost every day to meet him in public or at his mother's house to visit with the child I even offered him to come see him at my home or my familys home and he has refused. What are my chances of starting him with supervised visits so he can form a bond with him and making sure my son is not around the violent and toxic situation he is in

or:Not sure I follow - does he personally have any criminal charges, that he's forced to stay away, or does he withdraw willingly (eg because he prefers to be with this woman)?Why do you want this man around? Whether he is disinterested or carries toxic baggage, wouldn't deem it a wise choice.
