I forgot my Hotmail account password. What should I do?

I have more important details in my Hotmail account and i forgot it password. What should i do? I want to connect my Hotmail account. or:I have more i

I have more important details in my Hotmail account and i forgot it password. What should i do? I want to connect my Hotmail account.

or:I have more important details in my Hotmail account and i forgot it password. What should i do? I want to connect my Hotmail account.

or:There is normally a \"Forgot my Password\" link on the Sign in page, add your email address and submit. Always best to keep Usernames and Passwords stored somewhere secure for easy reference; I used Excel database.

or:https://m.wikihow.com/Reset-a-Lost-Hotmail-PasswordTo click on link remove space after the //

or:What you should do is don't forget your password. After all, the whole idea is to exclude anybody who doesn't know it. You are aware that your computer has a text editor built in, right? We have Wordpad, Notepad, a bazillion editors. You should have one open all the time because forums often hiccup while you are typing a post, so you type your post in your text editor and then paste it into the forum dialog box. You can also have several open files, and one would be your password list. Every time you log in someplace new you add the url, username, and password to the list, then save it.This computer thing is starting to look like it might catch on, even though they are not entirely reliable yet, so you really should get with the program. This is the way we live now. Back in the 70s, the advice was \"Stop losing battery covers!\" Now the advice is \"Stop forgetting passwords!\"

or:Hotmail has a \"forgot my password\" option. Use that.
