I want to learn how to sing better. But my parents won't pay for singing lessons. What do I do?

I practice whenever I can. And I try my hardest, looking at tips and singing coaches online. Asking questions. I cant hit high notes. I can sing fine.

I practice whenever I can. And I try my hardest, looking at tips and singing coaches online. Asking questions. I can't hit high notes. I can sing fine. My friends say I'm great. But I don't know. I want to know how to hit high notes and how I can get better at singing

or:I practice whenever I can. And I try my hardest, looking at tips and singing coaches online. Asking questions. I can't hit high notes. I can sing fine. My friends say I'm great. But I don't know. I want to know how to hit high notes and how I can get better at singing

or:Practice singing scales. You can find midi files on line for all scales. You need to be able to sing major and minor scales as well as diminished and augmented scales.Also, learn about singing in MODES. Learn the modes, and practice singing over modal scales. Hint: Listen to Byork. A lot of Beatles songs are in different modes.Beach Boys, too. To develop a higher voice . . . 1). You can find a lot of videos on line (Youtube) with tutorials about how to increaseyour range. There are physical things you need to learn to be able to control dynamics, and to \"reach\" higher notes. (And not strain to do it! That just ruins your voiced.) Breathing techniques, posture, etc.Note: Some people have a huge range. Cher has a 4+ octave range. You probably won't be able to increase your \"natural\" range to this degree. But you CAN increase it!Also, you can increase your range by developing your lower end of the scale as well.If you can develop your voice to sing say, 4 notes lower, and 8 notes higher, that's a full octave more range.2). You can get a midi file of a scale that had more than one octave. Start low, sing it until to top off. Don't push. But try to go a little further each day you practice.3). Learn music theory! If you want to be a great singer, learn all the tricks of the trade, and learn all the tools! Theory provides those tricks and tools.Knowing theory will help you know what keys you sing in best, and what key scales you need to practice more. If you find you don't sing well in say, the key of E, then work hard singing scales in E and C#m. Hope that helps. If not, drop me an email at \"wayne at thewaynereedconnection com\"Wayne
