Algebra 2 Exam booklet?

Im a senior and failed Algebra two part A in school because i had a bad teacher, now I am forced to take all of Algebra two including part B which i h

Im a senior and failed Algebra two part A in school because i had a bad teacher, now I am forced to take all of Algebra two including part B which i have no prior knowledge on. Its the only thing i need to graduate high school and im willing to pay someone for the answers, i have a good percentage of it done but can't complete it because i havent learned the material.

or:Im a senior and failed Algebra two part A in school because i had a bad teacher, now I am forced to take all of Algebra two including part B which i have no prior knowledge on. Its the only thing i need to graduate high school and im willing to pay someone for the answers, i have a good percentage of it done but can't complete it because i havent learned the material.

or:you need to get a tutor to help u with algebra 2 exam booklet and bring ur grade up.
