Electrical - I have a 4.5 horsepower treadclimber in a residence. It shuts off intermittently. Can?

... a residential outlet handle that much horsepower? The machine is sold to residential users only but it powers off, unexpectedly and randomly. M

... a residential outlet handle that much horsepower? The machine is sold to residential users only but it powers off, unexpectedly and randomly. Manufacturer says the outlet is at fault. But is it? If residential outlets can't operate such a machine, why can they sell it as such is where I'm going.

or:... a residential outlet handle that much horsepower? The machine is sold to residential users only but it powers off, unexpectedly and randomly. Manufacturer says the outlet is at fault. But is it? If residential outlets can't operate such a machine, why can they sell it as such is where I'm going.

or:That equals 3400 watts, which means close to 30 amps. Residential outlets are usually fused for 15 amps and will carry 30 amps for a short time, so that is your problem. You need to find an outlet with the higher rating, or get one installed. The manufacturer is goofy to suggest that machine for residential use without a notice that it requires a special outlet.
