How can I resolve my Messenger reply issue... The reply bubble is not active when touched?

Hey all my Facebook Messenger will nine times out of ten not allow me to reply to messages Im receiving... When I touch the reply bubble it doesnt...

Hey all my Facebook Messenger will nine times out of ten not allow me to reply to messages I'm receiving... When I touch the reply bubble it doesn't... When I touch the reply bubble it doesn't activate. I have reinstalled but with no success. This is a new Facebook account as they disabled my last one for no reason or explanation. I'm wondering if it's because I have the same phone number and they're linked? Any help would be appreciated

or:Hey all my Facebook Messenger will nine times out of ten not allow me to reply to messages I'm receiving... When I touch the reply bubble it doesn't... When I touch the reply bubble it doesn't activate. I have reinstalled but with no success. This is a new Facebook account as they disabled my last one for no reason or explanation. I'm wondering if it's because I have the same phone number and they're linked? Any help would be appreciated
