Is people’s morality and ethics going down day by day?

or:Is people’s morality and ethics going down day by day?or:Well it depends on what you consider proper morals and ethics. By my standard the

or:Is people’s morality and ethics going down day by day?

or:Well it depends on what you consider proper morals and ethics. By my standard the Christian standard or God's standard, yes, it is.

or:People's morality and ethics are both going down and going up. Some people are going down as they are caught in this world of pleasures and Illusion, and some people are evolving as they are realizing the Truth and becoming one with God. Therefore, we don\u2019t need to generalize. We need to work on ourselves, we need to worry about our own morality, our ethics. Are we living a ethical life? Are we clear about who we are and why we are here? Do we realize that God lives in the temple of our heart? Are we kind and compassionate? Do we love everybody? We must not worry about what is happening outside of us, first we must go within.
