Why do Christians not like gay people?

God makes people in his image so why would he make gay people.and please dont tell me being gay is a choice because it is not.scientist believe that t

God makes people in his image so why would he make gay people.and please don't tell me being gay is a choice because it is not.scientist believe that there's a certain gene that makes you gay and they have some proof of it to.

or:God makes people in his image so why would he make gay people.and please don't tell me being gay is a choice because it is not.scientist believe that there's a certain gene that makes you gay and they have some proof of it to.

or:This is because being gay is against the scripture. God made a man and woman in the beginning. He didn't make a man and a man to be together. This kind of act is sinful in the sight of God. This sin was also performed during Abraham and Lot's time. When Lot separated from Abraham to live near Sodom and Gomorrah, the people were changing to gay people which God disliked. When God sent two angels to tell Lot to leave the cities, Lot had to bring the two angels to his house and keep them away from the men of the city because they were wanting to do immoral acts towards them. Lot tries to persuade the men to do the immoral acts to his daughters instead of the angels because Lot knew that the angels were sent by God and that they were holy. The men didn't listen and didn't want to sleep with Lot's daughters and tried to break into the house to take the angels. However the angels didn't allow the men to do such sinful acts to them, so they blinded all the men outside of Lot's home and brought Lot's family safely out of the city. God then destroyed the two cities because of their sinful acts. There is also a verse that talks about gays. In Romans 1:26-28, it says, \"26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion. 28 Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done.\". You can look up some other verses that talk about how gays are against the scripture, because there are more than what I just mentioned. Hope this is helpful!

or:i dont hate gay people neither dose god. god loves everyone even the people who dont beleive he just hates the sin he wishes they would stop because he loves them so much and he dosent like to see them sinning. and ps who was that guy that said god gave us gay genes that is the funnyest crap ive ever heard.

or:Most Christians do but we are only allowed to support them a little bit though

or:Because apparently its in the bible. I have read the bible and it never crossed my mind. Thats why im athiest ^^

or:Science can come up with any color coded gene and say that is a gay person. Or what makes a serial killer or a vegan. Whatever, if you are gay; be gay. However, according to a passage in the bible. It goes similar to this. Do not be unequally yolked. To me that means with similar bodies and others say it is two different races/colors.I still think to be gay is a life choice; not a gene. So with that said; either a mother or father had b\u0131-curious genes too or several families members. Genes are passed on and on.

or:God didn't like gay peeps cus he woz insucure

or:Because there judgmental,hypocritical and full of bullshit any ways who gives a rats back end about Bible bashing inbreds BE FREE BE GAY VE HAPPY

or:There is a passage in the bible that says \"man shall not sleep with man\
