I'm tired all the time?

And I was wondering if there was a way I could stay wide awake? Caffeine doesnt help and sugar keeps me awake for a little bit but then I get even mor

And I was wondering if there was a way I could stay wide awake? Caffeine doesn't help and sugar keeps me awake for a little bit but then I get even more tired.Please help!

or:And I was wondering if there was a way I could stay wide awake? Caffeine doesn't help and sugar keeps me awake for a little bit but then I get even more tired.Please help!

or:First, get nutritional yeast. you can mix it into milk or mashed potatoes. Here is a nice recipe for a cold drink: www.google.com/search?q=recipe+%22pep+up%22Nutritional yeast powder is best. You can also get flakes, but they are half the strength and half the taste for the same price. When you see how good it makes you feel, you will decide you like that taste just fine. Magnesium strengthens muscles, calms nerves, stops cramps, and fights infections. Get epsom salt. It is cheap, five bux for a year's supply. Put a dose in a glass with water to cover and stir until it dissolves. Fill the glass with lemonade and drink it. You can take it without the lemonade but you won't like the taste. Milk of magnesia is more expensive but nicer tasting and gentler laxative action. Your choice.When you sit, roll your hips forward so your back does not touch the chair. You will notice an immediate improvement in breathing and alertness. You can stay awake all day this way, as long as you don't slip back into a slouch.Study some books about nutrition so you know how to eat right.
