I have plantar fascilitis and the pain is unbearable please can anyone recommend a treatment which?

works ? I have had an injection a month ago which gave me two days relief , not totally but it made it more bearable . I am thinking of extra corporea

works ? I have had an injection a month ago which gave me two days relief , not totally but it made it more bearable . I am thinking of extra corporeal wave therapy at the physiotherapy unit but whilst I am waiting I need some hope of a cure , I am thinking of trying spiritual healing if I could be sure that it would work . Please help me if you have known of the misery of this condition .

or:works ? I have had an injection a month ago which gave me two days relief , not totally but it made it more bearable . I am thinking of extra corporeal wave therapy at the physiotherapy unit but whilst I am waiting I need some hope of a cure , I am thinking of trying spiritual healing if I could be sure that it would work . Please help me if you have known of the misery of this condition .

or:I would do as much therapy as you can this way maybe they have some ideas as to figure out what can be done it.

or:I have plantar fasciitis in both feet. The only thing that helped me was to have my feet put in casts. I wore casts from below my knees to under my toes for a total of 8 weeks. Immobilization is all that will allow healing. The pain relief from the casts was almost instant, and I easily got used to wearing them and walking in them.I did have a bad flare up about 2 years after this treatment and went back into casts again for the full 8 weeks. That was 3 years ago and no problem since.
