What Is The Theme Of Davy Jones' Theme Song? What Is Being Said Here?

What does Davy Jones them song describe or represent? or:What does Davy Jones' them song describe or represent?or:There have been a lot of Davy Jonese

What does Davy Jones' them song describe or represent?

or:What does Davy Jones' them song describe or represent?

or:There have been a lot of Davy Joneses. The one in The Monkees was so popular at one point that he forced another Davey Jones to change his name to David Bowie. So you need to specify which one you are talking about.

or:The organ of Davy Jones represents pain. You know, suffering the inevitable. You've experienced that before. Actually, as a matter of fact, we all have. Sometimes pain is so powerful that you go psycho and you can't control yourself anymore. Sometimes you can't grasp things that are real and not real. Davy Jones' theme song (the organ) represents pain and suffering. Obviously he's shook about the doom he did to Calypso (Tia Dalma) and so his heart betrayed him, and then he cut it out and locked it away in the Dead Man's Chest. You've seen the movie, right? If so, then you'd understand my point. So the point is, Davy Jones' theme song represents pain and sorrow. He knows what he did was wrong and he's paying the price for it by sailing the Seven Seas for 100 years, and looking out after the dead lost souls at sea and placing them in the worlds beyond. But Davy Jones is too evil to look after the dead souls. Tia Dalma was freed from her human bonds, and she gathered the waters around her and made a huge storm called a maelstrom. It's sort of like a tornado except the water twirls into a whirlpool and the sky twists around in circles as well, but no little cloudy tail comes down. Then Davy Jones' heart is stabbed by William Turner Jr., son of William Turner Sr., who is a crewmate of the Flying Dutchman, and he is accepted back into death I'm guessing. Who knows though.Anyways, that's basically the story of Davy Jones and what his song is representing. I hope this helps a little.
