I have a problem?

Hello. I have what seems to be a big problem. About a month ago, I got into an argument with my mother. Regardless, I hit my mothers shoulder during t

Hello. I have what seems to be a big problem. About a month ago, I got into an argument with my mother. Regardless, I hit my mother's shoulder during this argument. I am 19 and she is in her 30s. The argument is on video, including me hitting her. I have texts of me clarifying that I did not mean for that to happen. It was something automatic, and I'm not sure why I did it. I regret it and am worried that I could get in trouble. I have never made a mistake like this up until now. Should I be worried?

or:Hello. I have what seems to be a big problem. About a month ago, I got into an argument with my mother. Regardless, I hit my mother's shoulder during this argument. I am 19 and she is in her 30s. The argument is on video, including me hitting her. I have texts of me clarifying that I did not mean for that to happen. It was something automatic, and I'm not sure why I did it. I regret it and am worried that I could get in trouble. I have never made a mistake like this up until now. Should I be worried?
