My 2006 impala says no aux is plugged in when The auxillary cord is plugged in. What's the problem?

My aux cord is plugged in The stereo and Im playing music. It randomly stops playing and says there is no aux plugged in. What can I do to fix it. I k

My aux cord is plugged in The stereo and I'm playing music. It randomly stops playing and says there is no aux plugged in. What can I do to fix it. I know the cord is good too.

or:My aux cord is plugged in The stereo and I'm playing music. It randomly stops playing and says there is no aux plugged in. What can I do to fix it. I know the cord is good too.

or:1.) Buy a new aux cord.2.) If that doesnt work, check out your phone/device and see if there is a problem with it. My brothers earphone place doesn't work.3.) Take your car in.4.) If you're that desperate to listen to music, buy a new car. Or a new device.
