How do I convince my 'gaurdian' to let me get what you would call 'emo hairstyle'?

Ive tried talking to her about it twice but she shut me down and when i showed her a picture she said she was creeped out i dont know what to do and i

Ive tried talking to her about it twice but she shut me down and when i showed her a picture she said she was 'creeped out' i dont know what to do and i really want to get my hair styled that way. Any advice? Thanks in advance

or:Ive tried talking to her about it twice but she shut me down and when i showed her a picture she said she was 'creeped out' i dont know what to do and i really want to get my hair styled that way. Any advice? Thanks in advance

or:An emo hairstyle is a lot like slapping people in the face. You are wearing a sign that says you don't care what anybody thinks. You make enemies even before you get a chance to meet them. It's easy to understand why your guardian is opposed. A bad hair style is just bad manners.
