What should I do about this boy???

A week ago I was dating this guy and then one of my x boyfriends texts me and says that he likes me and so he keeps building it up and talking all lov

A week ago I was dating this guy and then one of my x boyfriends texts me and says that he likes me and so he keeps building it up and talking all lovey dovey and saying I'm hot and stuff. So I start liking him. My friend tells him that and so he asks me out I say no cuz I was dating a guy and then I break up with that guy just to be with the other one who says he likes me I keep texting him and texting him until he finally texts back 2 days later and says do u want to go out with me and I'm just like fuck yea that's why I've been texting u and he's just like oh no I was just asking u what u would say! So I ask him what he would say and he says no and then I ask if he even still likes me and he says yea but he would tell me why he would say no so a day later he says oh I just want u to no I don't like u any more I decided to focus on one girl!!!!! And he never has texted me back since what do I do ciz I still like him???

or:A week ago I was dating this guy and then one of my x boyfriends texts me and says that he likes me and so he keeps building it up and talking all lovey dovey and saying I'm hot and stuff. So I start liking him. My friend tells him that and so he asks me out I say no cuz I was dating a guy and then I break up with that guy just to be with the other one who says he likes me I keep texting him and texting him until he finally texts back 2 days later and says do u want to go out with me and I'm just like fuck yea that's why I've been texting u and he's just like oh no I was just asking u what u would say! So I ask him what he would say and he says no and then I ask if he even still likes me and he says yea but he would tell me why he would say no so a day later he says oh I just want u to no I don't like u any more I decided to focus on one girl!!!!! And he never has texted me back since what do I do ciz I still like him???

or:Im a 14 1/2 y. O. Boy im in middle school i have 4 girls i talk with but i never tell or talk about other ones i hang around with thats stupid. The guy u. Was seeing dont what u. Any more cause u. Talk about other guys .hes smart to stop seeing u.
