Do you think my girlfriend will like 4 pounds of her favorite candy??

For Christmas I got my girlfriend art supplies because she likes to draw. But, I also got her four pounds of her favorite candy, and four pounds of ca

For Christmas I got my girlfriend art supplies because she likes to draw. But, I also got her four pounds of her favorite candy, and four pounds of candy she kinda likes. I feel like she might not like it. Was getting her this a good idea?? (sometimes she has a sweet tooth but not all the time?

or:For Christmas I got my girlfriend art supplies because she likes to draw. But, I also got her four pounds of her favorite candy, and four pounds of candy she kinda likes. I feel like she might not like it. Was getting her this a good idea?? (sometimes she has a sweet tooth but not all the time?

or:I would not get a gf eight pounds of candy for any reason. One pound is more reasonable.

or:Yes! It's so \"sweet\"! Heh heh!
