Question about my laptop?

Our laptop has been starting to mess up lately.The battery doesnt charge when its plugged in. Were thinking its the ac adapter. About a week or so ago

Our laptop has been starting to mess up lately.
The battery doesn't charge when it's plugged in. We're thinking it's the ac adapter.
About a week or so ago, I was on it, and the space bar kept going like it was being pushed. I couldn't type anything. Even the password when trying to log in. So we had to push the power button.

Now, as we click on the desktop. Every single icon starts flashing at the same time and we can't do anything.

Does anybody have any idea of what it could be, and how it can be fixed?

or:Our laptop has been starting to mess up lately.The battery doesn't charge when it's plugged in. We're thinking it's the ac adapter. About a week or so ago, I was on it, and the space bar kept going like it was being pushed. I couldn't type anything. Even the password when trying to log in. So we had to push the power button.Now, as we click on the desktop. Every single icon starts flashing at the same time and we can't do anything.Does anybody have any idea of what it could be, and how it can be fixed?

or:For the charging problem it may be that there is an issue with fitting into the plug or it is dirty or damaged so it may not charge and for the space bar problem you should remove the button and see if there is something that gets it stuck. It's always best to go to tech support and get your laptop checked out so they can solve the problem.I hope this helps because I am a freshman at high school so I do not have technical experience. Have a good day :)
